1. DPAIG - not much is known. Last heard around early April...
2. Dance Ensemble: Hip-hop - FORGET IT!!! We (me and Larry) went for the audition this morning and can only be described by being an "EPIC FAILURE"... lolz...
3. IITST - sounds cool... already went for the breifing a couple of days ago... Larry plans to immediately join the main-com while me Zach, Rui Xue and Taqinah just want the sub-com for now... lolz... he aim so high... hahaha...
4. Jap Cultural Group - already paid the 5$ for the camp thingie but haven't paid the 10$ membership fee... lolz...
5. TPSU - joined mainly because the other P.I.G. members also joined... plus my T02 also planned on joining (? most of them maybe, if I remember correctly...)
6. Debate Club - hmmm... where to start... me and Larry joined mostly because Kee Yee also joined... lolz... also managed to drag Zach along... hahaha...
Anyway, the Debate Orientation was today and, in my opinion, could have been better... LARRY HAS A NEW NICKNAME (courtesy of that person... whoever that guy is... lolz...) but anyway it was, overall, alright I guess... THERE WAS FOOD so I guess it's awright... ahahaha...

And guess who ate the most???

~Terminating programme... initiating system shut down...
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