Sooo we walked all the way to Tampines Interchange since Zi Yi wanted to... -.- went to Popular just to buy one single pen... until Zi Yi decided to buy an earpiece which costs $20++ (? I can't remember =D). After that went to Toys R Us so that I can have a look around... Saw lots of things that I'M DYING TO BUY OMG WTF... The Gundam Unicorn/Destroy Mode model was within my grasp (so does that Kamen Rider stuff)... until Zi Yi decided that we should watch some movie since he found out that Charlton has that Golden Village membership thingie.
Went up, passing by a shop that sells games (saw that StarCraftII was available in pre-order... damn) and when we reached the theatre entrance, we decided to play at TimeZone instead. Since none of us has a TZ card at that time (I left mine somewhere at home) we decided to split among the cost of a new card among ourselves 3.30 3.30 3.40 with ZY the 3.40 =P. Played HotD4 with Charlton (me dying first), some racing game with Charton (again, but with me beating him, since ZY was kinda late in joining and wasnt in the same lap as us), challenged Charlton to Tekken (owned him, totally) and after that ZY and Charlton played air hockey (can't rmb the final score but I do believe Charlton won 0.0).
After all those, we went to breadtalk to buy some bread ( -.-") after which we sat down at some staircase eating. And while we were eating ZY pointed out that his bun was shaped like a ****Y and was emphasizing its shape to me and Charlton... LOL his facial expressions while eating that bun was like so wierd. LOL.

Soooo after seeing that "awesome scene" (for him, that is) he kept on reffering to it as "The Beetle, You Know, The Beetle!"... and every conversation we have will always end up (which the topic will always involve that thing... ) at him STARING and talking about that... OMG ZY how can you have such fetishes...
Went to buy drink afterwards, but the beetle disappeared after that (ZY: Damn it!). ZY bought this large sized bottled apple juice at cold storage (while Charlton said he was looking for a certain "*** Magazine"... ahem...), which resulted in me and Charlton challenging him to finish it all up... LOL. After that, ZY was walking like he is about to explode but hey, he's nearing the beetle's mass so he shud be happy =D. By the way, while he was drinking all those, similar-sized people keep passing us by and ZY just has to stop and stare 0.0
~Credits to Charlton Gan Boon Zhi for the photos
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